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100 Days of School Shirt : Pac-Man Style!

The first year I had to help create a 100 Days of School shirt for my oldest, I spent untold hours sewing 100 tiny heart buttons onto a shirt.

Never again.

This year, it was my son's turn and he wanted something "cool". We came up with Pac-Man because he is really into that game at the moment and it was perfect because I could simply create a graphic, print it onto photo transfer paper, iron it on a shirt, and BAM. Awesome, unique, fun, and 5 year old boy approved. These shirts don't have to make sense, they just need 100 of something so we went with 100 of the pellets on a Pac-Man game board (we did not count the Power Pellets as part of the 100, FYI). To add a little something to it, I made the High Score equal 100 days using a free font I found online.

So, if your kid is into Pac-Man and you are looking for a simple but fun 100 days of school shirt, here is the file to a ready to print PDF that is already perfectly formated for the Avery 3279 Dark T-Shirt Transfer paper. (If you want to use this image with the Avery Light T-Shirt Transfer sheets, you will have to reverse the image first. Just follow the instructions on the package!)

Here is the PDF file for download. (You can print directly from this link.)

Here is the paper I used: Avery 3279 Dark T-Shirt Transfer paper

Here is the font: Arcade Classic

And we just used a simple Hanes brand black undershirt I found at Target.

Hope that helps somebody out! =)



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